I'll use the game
Nigel Short - Vlastimil Hort, 1986 as an illustration of the Modern variation of the Alekhine Defense. The Modern Defense starts with the moves
1.e4 Nf6 2.e5 Nd5 3.d4 d6 4.Nf3 and is the most frequenly played variation.
1.e4 Nf6 2.e5 Nd5 3.d4 d6 4.Nf3 The Modern Variation. This is the most common variation of the Alekhine Defense. 4...Bg4
The alternative moves are 4...g6, 4...dxe5, 4...Nc6, 4...Nb6, 4...c6 or 4...Bf5 but in most of these other variations, Black can play ...Bg4 to transpose into the 4...Bg4 line. More about these variations later. )
5.Be2 e6
( I prefer the less frequently played 5...c6 6.O-O Bxf3 7.Bxf3 dxe5 8.dxe5 e6 )
6.O-O Be7 7.c4 Nb6 followed in more than half of the games by 8.Nc3 O-O 9.Be3 Nc6
( The main variation is 9...d5 10.c5 Bxf3 11.gxf3 but I like 9...Nc6 )
10.exd6 cxd6 11.d5 exd5
( or 11...Bxf3 12.Bxf3 Ne5 )
12.Nxd5 Nxd5 13.cxd5
( 13.Qxd5 is probably a little bit better. )
13...Bxf3 14.Bxf3 Ne5 15.Be2 f5 16.f4 Nd7 Almost a kind of main line game. It seems that White has a small advantage, but probably not enough to win the game.
17.Qb3 Bf6 18.Bf3 Re8 19.Rfe1 Qa5 20.Kf1 Nb6 1/2-1/2
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